
Friday, October 15, 2010

New arrival

Ok haven’t written in a while so I’ll just start kinda fresh with the announcement of the birth of our son!!!! and the crazy ride to get there lol.

My due date was 9/30 and my doctor had told me that he doesn’t like to go over 41 weeks so we should set up a n induction date. So at my appt on 9/27 we set up to start the inducing process on 10/5. I had another appt on 10/1 to see if I had started to efface at all. (My physician conveniently went out of the COUNTRY lol so I had to see another physician) when I was checked I was told that I had no effacement going on and that I was hardly dilated as the Dr put it “I could barely get a fingertip through and it’s a really great thing that I‘d already set up to get in the night before so they could help the effacement process”. So I worked on 10/4. And on 10/5 spent the day with my hubby and the bell’s knowing that it would be our last day just the three of us. We called the hospital at 6 was told to come at 8. We locked Bella up and headed over to Charby’s house to get a blessing from jaron and his dad, it really helped calm my nerves and reassure us both. We got to the hospital a little late @ 830 and was told that they currently did not have a bed but that someone just gave labor so they should be out of the room in an hour and to come back. So we headed down to the cafeteria James got some dinner and I got fries and some really really yummy ice cream. I decided eating the ice cream that I would like to have some again after the delivery James said if I did a good job he would get it for me lol. After an hour we headed back up. They got us a room I changed into the gown and they asked what we wanted with the delivery, the board (which we forgot to take pictures of kicking my self) listed dad’s name and baby boy rykers name which I loved because everyone that came in called him ryker instead of baby. The board also listed that we wanted dad to cut the cord, mom wanted an epidural and wanted baby skin to skin ASAP. So after that was all squared away they checked me again, and again I was told nothing zip nada (this boy is stubborn just like his dad ;)) so they gave me cytotec, to help start contractions and help my uterus “rippen”. They also did a sonogram to make sure head was down and it was, the took blood for some labs and then told us to hang in there, they would start the pitocin in the morning. The nurse came in a while later saying that my blood had a random antibody in it, and they asked if I had had a transfusion I said no and she said that the only reason they worry about it is if I need a transfusion (which is rare) and it could affect my next pregnancy. Later they came in and did another sonogram to make sure ryker didn’t have any fluid around his heart or other organs (this could be a sign that the antibody was affecting him) there wasn’t, Around 2 am they came in and checked me I was at a two so they started the pitocin. They checked me again @8 and broke my water--shortly thereafter I got an epidural/ At 12 the doctor came in concerned cause ryker wasn’t moving much they put me on my side and had me wear oxygen, it helped him a lot, I was at a six and by 250 I was fully effaced and fully dilated--the on call Dr wanted to wait an hour-- hoping gravity would do a lot of the work for me. At around four we started pushing, I had my mom and James right by me and couldn’t ask for a better set of coaches J. At 17:19 he was born, they cleaned him up and put him directly on my chest, I knew he was a big boy but had no idea until they weighed him 10 pounds 8.3 ounces lol and 21 inches long!!!! No wonder I was so “huge” as everyone kept telling me.

After they got us both cleaned up and I ate, they moved us to our room, we had tons of family and friends visit and meet our new addition, it was awesome. He was notorious on the maternity floor, new employee’s would come in and say oh he’s big! Is this the ten pound baby? And I’d get a lot of did you have a C-section? Lol.

We’ve been home now a week and I’m so content with the life we’ve built. James is an amazing dad, he’s so sweet and patient and I’ve never felt closer to him. Ryker is such a good baby, he really only cries when he’s hungry and nurses like a champ lol.

Well I think that is all for now. I will try to update at least once a week so check back J

Love the fosters J

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